Monday 12 April 2010

Planning the Production

Before we could begin filming we had to carry out a preliminary task so that we understood the basics of editing software and basic use of a camera. Once we had done this we were able to begin our production. we had previously made our script and storyboard and so we began to work from those.

Organisation of Time and Actors.
When we were organising our time we decided when we wanted to film and where we were going to film. We got the cameras on the days that we chose and filmed what we needed to. we had to make sure that our whole group was available on the chosen days and also that the location could be used.
We made sure that we had efficient use of actors/actresses and this meant that the outcome would be good. the actors were available when we needed them and this meant that filming would be a success.
Organisation of group and locations.
When we were organising our group we made sure that we had reliable people in the group that would get the work done and we also made sure that we would get along and there would be no issues between us.
The locations we used were available and appropriate for what we wanted to achieve and also any props that we used were appropriate also.
The genre of our film is a psychological thriller. This means that the main action of the film is towards the end of the film. This means the rest of the film would be calm and maybe not alot of dialogue. throughout.

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